Plastics care for future
ÖKOplastics are bioplastics produced from renewable feedstock, which are carbon-negative or carbon-saving, 100% recyclable and highly functional for your manufacturing needs.
We are a specialty material solutions provider; with our own technology, formulations and facilities, and aligned with global sustainability initiatives, our specialty polymer technology addresses the elusive missing link in the long sought-after Circular Economy.
Our technology gives your budget the reach to include various types of bioplastics suited to your particular and even tailor-made manufacturing needs, such as OKO-PP (Bio-PP), OKO-PE (Bio-PE), OKO-PA (Bio-PA), OKO-ABS (Bio-ABS), OKO-PET (Bio-PET) and more … All of these materials can be compliant with ROHS, REACH, and EU & US food contact regulations.
Tailor-made needs?
We offer innovative and customized solutions tailored to your unique challenges. If you are in the process of application development, let us help you by creating a customized formulation to make your product a success. Our state-of-the-art compounding facilities with fully equipped laboratories are in Hong Kong and the southern part of China. We offer them in granule format for the circular economy as well as all the services you might need for a successful implementation of your project: from material selection, to formulation development, to production, and including technical support on different processing techniques.
Furthermore, we can also add a specialized and cost-effective nano-technology to the raw materials in order to drastically reduce the CO2 emission (>65%) when incinerating your final products at the end of their lives. This is truly eco-friendly technology for future carbon-neutral generations.